Cytisus villosus Pourr.
Genista triflora Rouy, C. triflorus var. bidentatus Chab., C. triflorus L’Hér.
Eng.: Hairy broom. Spa.: Escoba, escobón. Fre.: Cytise à trois fleurs. Ara.: Gikio, buharis, qitis, dhibene. Tam.: Tilluzit, hugli, tilqi, hilgui, tulgit, timechrirate, mersir’id.
Shrub or subshrub up to 2.5(3) m in height, unarmed, hermaphrodite, highly branched, with upright stems, not sharp, and leaves almost persistent. Stem and old branches with bark longitudinally fissured, brownish or greyish-brown, glabrous. Young branchlets ridged longitudinally, with 5 semicylindrical and distant ribs, with double indumentum, with hairs 0.5-1.5 mm, straight and patent, and smaller crisped or uncinate hairs along the valleys. Leaves all trifoliolate —upper leaves are rarely bifoliolate—, without stipules, with petiole 6-17 mm, and unequal leaflets, the central leaflet larger (10-47 × 5-20 mm), obovate or oblong-obovate, obtuse —sometimes mucronate—, attenuated at base, subsessile, sericeous on both sides, green. Flowers solitary or in groups of (2)3(4) on young branches, with pedicel 6-18 mm, with double indumentum, sometimes with 1-3 bracteoles halfway along the pedicel. Calyx 5-6.5 mm, campanulate, villous, green at first and then brownish-black, bilabiate, with shortly dentate lips, the upper lip with 2 teeth and the lower lip with 3 and slightly larger. Corolla 17-22 mm, papilionoid, yellow, with an ovate-rhomboid standard, glabrous, longer than the wings and the keel, keel falcate. Androecium monadelphous, with 10 stamens. Ovary hairy, and stigma elongated. Pod 35-50 × 5-6 mm, linear-oblong, highly compressed, green at first and then black, sparsely villous but turning glabrescent, with 4-11 seeds. Seeds 2.2-3 mm, ovoid or ellipsoid, compressed, smooth, brown.
March to May.
May to July.
Forests and thickets from sea level up to the mid mountain, on calcareous and siliceous soils, in subhumid and humid bioclimate.
Southern Europe and NW Africa (Morocco, Algeria and Tunisia).
Conservation status:
A relatively common and widely distributed species, it is not considered threatened. Currently, it has not been assessed at a global level in the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species.