Quercus lusitanica Lam.
Q. fruticosa Brot., Q. humilis Lam., Q. faginea Lam. subsp. lusitanica (Lam.) Maire
Eng.: Gall oak. Spa.: Quejigueta. Fre.: Chêne nain. Ara.: Zehn. Tam.: Korrich, techt, tachta, tist, test, tazent, azzen, alba.
Marcescent shrub, monoecious, that can reach up to 3 m in height, but rarely reaches above 1 m. Very ramose from the base, with bark ± smooth, ashen-whitish. Branchlets chestnut-yellowish, usually covered with a longly persistent tomentum; becoming glabrescent later. Leaves [2.5-6 (12) × 1.2-3.5(5) cm], alternate, marcescent, coriaceous, elliptic or ovate-elliptic, with entire margin roughly towards the base, and sinuate-dentate or lobulate ± from the middle to the apex. Young leaves tomentose on both sides; turning ± dark green when adult, lustrous and glabrous on the upper side and ± ashen and tomentose on the underside. Petiole tomentose (1-5 mm). Male flowers numerous, in greenish-yellow catkins, pendant (3-5 cm). Female flowers grouped in 2-5 into erect spikes. Fruit (the acorn) an ovoid achene (10-16 × 8-12 mm), chestnut in colour, with cupule composed of ovate-triangular scales, imbricated and ± applied, tomentose, lower scales ± gibbous.
April to May.
September to November.
Siliceous terrains with oceanic influence, almost from sea level to about 800 m. In subhumid to humid bioclimate, on thermomediterranean floor. Usually as understory of Q. suber forests.
Western Iberian Peninsula. In North Africa is rare, only known from some mountains of the Tingitana Peninsula (Jebel Kebir, Jebel Zemzem, Jebel Khessana, etc.).
Conservation status:
Rare species with a small distribution area. Currently, it has not been assessed at a global level in the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species.