Family composed of about 53 genera and 840 species of trees, shrubs and rarely herbs, distributed worldwide. In North Africa it is represented by 5 genera, all with shrubby species.
Key to genera
1 Leaves opposite Sageretia
1 Leaves alternate 2
2 Leaves with pinnate venation, sometimes inconspicuous Stipules herbaceous, caducous 3
2 Leaves with midrib and 2 secondary veins born at the base. Stipules usually spiny 4
3 Winter buds bare. Flowers hermaphrodite. Style unbranched Frangula
3 Winter buds with cataphylls. Flowers usually unisexual. Style with 2-4 branches Rhamnus
4 Fruit dry, compressed, with disc-shaped wing surrounding it Paliurus
4 Fruit fleshy, drupaceous, globose Ziziphus
Updated by: M. Cueto & E. Giménez.