
Convolvulus L.

Genus composed of about 72 species, widely distributed through the temperate and subtropical regions of the world. In North Africa it consists of 36 species, mainly herbaceous. Among them, only 3 can be considered shrubby or subshrubby because of the greater lignification of their stems.

Wood, J.R., Williams, B.R., Mitchell, T.C., Carine, M.A., Harris, D.J. & Scotland, R.W. 2015. A foundation monograph of Convolvulus L. (Convolvulaceae). PhytoKeys, 51: 1-282.

Key to species

1 Subshrubs with spinescent branches 2

1 Perennial plants but older stems sometimes lignified, unarmed 4

2 Corolla bluish Convolvulus hystrix

2 Corolla white, with ± pinkish longitudinal bands 3

3 All branches with spinescent apices, young branchlets glabrescent or sericeous Convolvulus trabutianus

3 Only basal old branches spinescent; young branchlets, very hairy, densely tomentose Convolvulus lanatus

4 Stems dichotomously branched, basal leaves with decurrent base, capsule less than 4 × 4 mm Convolvulus dorycnium

4 Stems not dichotomously branched, basal leaves with attenuate base, Convolvulus oleifolius

Updated by: E. Salmerón, J.F. Mota & J. Charco.
