Leptadenia R.Br.
Genus with 5 species distributed through the tropics of the Old World, 3 of which are present in North Africa, with a primarily Saharan distribution.
Masrahi, Y.S. 2015. A new species of Leptadenia (Apocynaceae) and two other new records from southwestern Saudi Arabia. Saudi journal of biological sciences, 22(5), 631-636. Arbonnier, M. 2004. Trees, shrubs and lianas of West African dry zones. Editions Quae.
Key to species
1 Shrubs erect, leafless or only with few linear leaves only on young shoots, with retamoide aspect Leptadenia pyrotechnica
1 Shrubs decumbent o climbing, stems sarmentose, with persistent leaves 2
2 Corolla lobes 4-5 mm long. Calyx longer than the corolla tube Leptadenia hastata
2 Corolla lobes 2-2.5 mm long. Calyx shorter than the corolla tube Leptadenia arborea
Updated by: J.F. Mota & F.J. Pérez García.