Bergia suffruticosa (Delile) Fenzl
Ara.(Sudan): Miremit, mirmid, rimit.
Subshrub, hermaphrodite, evergreen, very aromatic, up to 60(80) cm in height, with straight stems, extended-erect, sometimes creeping. Stems opposite, older stems with fissured bark, glabrescent, that peels into papery red-rusty lamina; young stems greener, densely hispid, with straight whitish hairs. Leaves (0.2-3 × 0.1-1 cm) opposite, solitary or grouped in pseudoverticils, sessile or shortly petiolate (petiole up to 3 mm); elliptic to oblanceolate, with serrated and slightly revolute margin, scabrid-pubescent. Stipules (1.5-2.5 mm) linear to lanceolate, sometimes with serrated margin. Inflorescence an axillary cyme with 1-6(8) zygomorphic flowers, pentamerous, pedicels 1-5 mm, pubescent. Sepals (2.5-5 mm), free, ovate-acuminate, pubescent, with membranous margins. Petals similar in size to the sepals, free, obovate-oblong, obtuse, white to pink, persistent. Stamens 10, with the 5 stamens arranged over the petals slightly shorter than the other 5. Ovary ovoid, 5-locular, styles 1-1.2 mm. Fruit an ovoid, pink capsule, about 2 mm long, with numerous reticulated dark brown to blackish seeds.
No data for this region
No data for this region
Subdesert areas, savannahs and subtropical dry forests, margins and beds of wadis in drier areas
Tropical and subtropical dry areas of Africa and western central Asia. From Mauritania and Senegal up to western India. To the N it reaches up to Tassili-n-Ajjer (Algeria) and the island of Elephantine, Aswan (Egypt).
Conservation status:
A rare but widely distributed species. It is not considered threatened. Currently, it has not been assessed at a global level in the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. In Algeria it is included in the List of protected non cultivated flora (Executive Decree 12-03 on 4-Jan-2012).