
Deverra tortuosa (Desf.) DC.

Bubon tortuosum Desf., Pituranthos tortuosus (Desf.) Benth. ex Asch. & Schweinf.

Ara.: Guezza, guza, qessu, gesiche, keraui, saguh, shabat el gabal, qazzah.

Perennial subshrub, up to 0.8 m in height, with dichotomously branched stems, striated, glabrous, glaucous or whitish. Leaves deciduous; basal leaves 2-pinnatisect, with linear-subulate lobes, rigid and divergent, ovate or suborbicular, with sheathing short petioles, broad, with wide scarious margins; lower cauline leaves with broad sheaths and very short ternatisect leaf blade; upper cauline leaves reduced to sheaths with filiform apices. Umbels mostly terminal, with 6-10 subequal rays. Flowers semi-closed, slightly open, with petals almost glabrous or scarcely puberulent along the green vein of the underside. Fruit a double achene, 1-1.5 mm, shorter than the pedicel, from ovoid to almost globose, hirsute.


April to May(September).



May to July (October).


In deserts, mainly in depressions or beds of watercourses.


Tunisia, Libya, Egypt, Palestine, Israel and Saudi Arabia.


Strongly aromatic plant, the leaves and tender shoots are widely used as seasoning. Highly palatable to livestock, especially camels; it is widely consumed during the summer.

Conservation status:

Fairly rare species, but widely distributed. Currently, it has not been assessed at a global level in the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species.
