
Ziziphus mauritiana Lam.

Eng.: Jujube.   Spa.: Jinjolero.   Fre.: Jujubier.   Ara.: Téhéhent, sedra, djerjer, azar, ennbeg, nbeg, saedra, sîdër, sidraya, sidrayé (Hassanía), ngédébisi (Choua).   Tamahaq: Tabakat, âbâkât, ajzên; the fruit: izagaran.

Shrub or tree, hermaphrodite, spiny, rarely unarmed, 3-8(16) m height. Bark greyish, young stems cottony. Branches in zigzag, densely pubescent. Leaves with elliptic-ovate to almost orbicular leaf-blade 3-8 × 1.5-5 cm, rounded base, densely tomentose on the underside. Inflorescence in cymes 1-2 × 1-2 cm, with few to many flowers, tomentose peduncles, with pedicels 1-4 mm long that elongate when fruiting; sepals dorsally tomentulose; petals 1-1.5 mm long. Fruit drupaceous, 1-2 cm, globose to ellipsoid, fleshy.


May to July.



August to October.


Desert savannahs and depressions. In the lower areas of mountain ranges.


Probably native to the Middle East or the Indian subcontinent, a tropical species reaching towards the N to the sublittoral western Sahara and to the great mountain ranges of central Sahara. Cultivated anywhere across North Africa.

Conservation status:

Rare but widely distributed species, not considered threatened. Currently, it has not been assessed at a global level in the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. In Mali it is included in its List of species that need authorization for commercial use (Decree 07-155/P-RM of 2007).
